Tag Archives: Christmas

Merry Christmas

shutterstock_61666345It’s been a busy few weeks with school plays, Christmas fetes, my birthday and the arrival of my beautiful new nephew. Now, Christmas is upon us and I actually think I might just have things under control. Presents are bought, cards sent, Christmas menu planned… I just have some wrapping left to do. Very organised!

Christmas is a strange time of year for me now. Up until relatively recently I always loved it but after losing my Mum a couple of years ago, things just aren’t the same. My brother and Dad live in different countries which means unfortunately I don’t get see any of my family over the festive season and I find it really hard. Most of the traditions and lovely memories I have of Christmas when I was growing up are sadly gone and they’ve left behind an empty space.

What I do have, is my two gorgeous boys who are beyond excited this year. My five year old is like a coiled spring, winding tighter and tighter as December has progressed, and it’s rubbed off on his little brother. We’ve done the visit to Santa, been ice skating, made Christmas lists, decorated the tree and with everything going on at school he is exhausted. I’m really hoping that once he finishes school we can have a little bit of calm before the madness of the big day descends. I can’t wait to see their happy little faces on Christmas morning; we’re just trying to decide what is the earliest we’ll let them get up and open their presents!

On Boxing Day we’ve got my husband’s family coming round and are cooking for ten(ish) people, which I’m really looking forward to. I think it’s fair to say that there will be a significant amount of bubbly consumed!

Whatever you’re doing, have a fabulous Christmas and a very Happy New Year. Enjoy the time with your families and try not to get too stressed. Embrace the chaos! My New Year’s resolution is to try to find more time for my blog. The intent is certainly there but whether I’ll manage to squeeze it in is another matter entirely!

Merry Christmas from Mum’s The Word!